Trading System API  3.0
Library for Simulating and Deploying Trading and Investment Strategies
tsa::instrument Class Reference

Class instrument represents a tradeable security such as a stock, option, futures contract, currency, etc. Class instrument combines data-access with functionality for placing orders and managing positions. More...

#include <TSAInstrument.h>

Inheritance diagram for tsa::instrument:
tsa::object tsa::metrics_source

Public Member Functions

void allow_null_values (bool flag)
 Determines whether any incoming stream data is allowed to have 'null' ('N/A') values. If set to true, it is up to the user to explicitly check each value before using it. To check for null, values must be accessed as variants, not via auto-series. Use the variant::defined() member do check if the value is not null. More...
bool allow_null_values (void) const
 Returns true if 'null' values are allowed in incoming stream data. More...
const std::vector< trade_info > & closed_trades (void) const
 Returns information on all closed out trades.
double current_drawdown (void) const
 Returns the size of the current equity drawdown for this instrument. If the strategy trades multiple instruments then each instrument will have its own drawdown measure. More...
const std::vector< trade_leg > & current_trade_legs (void) const
 Returns a container with the current trade's 'legs'. More...
const std::vector< transaction > & get_bar_transactions (void) const
 Returns a reference to a vectors containing the transactions that occured during the current bar. More...
void set_next_bar (const date_time &, double o, double h, double l, double c, double v)
 Manually sets the next bar timestamp and ohlcv prices. Useful for writing test code. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from tsa::object
 object (void)
virtual ~object (void)
const char * class_name (void) const
 Returns the class name as returned by the 'Real Time Type Information' (RTTI) mechanism. More...
bool has_same_class_as (const object &other) const
 Returns true if self has the same type as other object. More...

Constructors / Destructor

 instrument (void)
 ~instrument (void)


size_t id (void) const
 Returns the instrument ID. Each instrument is assigned a unique number starting at zero.
bool is_platform_driven (void) const
 Returns true if the strategy is attached to a platform_proxy or net::socket_base derived object. More...
bool is_live (void) const
 Strategies driven by 'live' data can be started on 'backfill' data. Once the strategy has worked through the backfill records, it calls strategy::on_live() from which point onward the strategy switches to 'live' data and instrument::is_live() returns true. More...
bool exception_on_backfill_orders (void) const
void name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the instrument name. More...
const std::stringname (void) const
 Returns the instrument name. More...

Data Stream

void as_random_walk (duration bar_duration=duration::days(1))
 Tells the instrument to generate its own random walk sequence with intervals of bar_duration. More...
void connect (const std::string &stream_name, const std::string &database_name="default")
 Sets the given stream as the instrument's data source. More...
std::string stream_name (void) const
 Returns the name of the data stream to which the instrument is connected. More...
std::string data_base_name (void) const
void connect (in_stream_adaptor &adaptor)
 Connects this instrument object to the given in-stream-adaptor.
date_time begin ()
 Returns the timestamp of the first record in the datasource to which this object is connected. More...
date_time end ()
 Returns the timestamp of the last record in the datasource to which this object is connected. More...
const series_core & operator() (size_t field_pos) const
 From records streamed from the data source this member returns the series corresponding to the given field_pos. More...
const series_core & operator() (const std::string &field_name) const
 From records streamed from the data source this member returns the series corresponding to the given field_name. More...
size_t field_count (void) const
 Returns the number of fields in records streamed from the connected datasource. More...
date_time record_timestamp (void) const
 Returns the timestamp of the current record. More...
bool field_exists (const std::string &field_name) const
 Returns true if a field with the given field_name exists in records coming from the data-source. More...
size_t field_index (const std::string &field_name) const
 Return the zero based position of the field that has the given field_name. More...
tsa::type_t field_type (const std::string &field_name) const
 Returns the field type of the field with the given field_name. More...

Auto Series

series< double > open
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'open'.
series< double > high
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'high'.
series< double > low
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'low'.
series< double > close
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'close'.
series< double > volume
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'volume'.
series< double > bid
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'bid'.
series< double > ask
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'ask'.
series< double > bidsize
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'bidsize'.
series< double > asksize
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'asksize'.
series< double > last
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'last'.
series< double > price
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'price'.
series< double > value
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'value'.
series< double > openint
 Built in series object corresponding to record field 'openint'.


void negative_prices_ok (bool neg_prices_ok)
 Sets a flag which if 'true' allows negative prices in fields 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close'. More...
bool negative_prices_ok (void) const
 Returns true if negative prices are tolerated during strategy evaluation. More...
double big_point (void) const
 The value (in local currency) of a 1 point change in the instrument's price. This calculated as follows: big_point_value = (1.0 / min_tick) * tick_value;. More...
void tick (double min_tick, double tick_value, bool auto_round=true)
 Sets the value of the 'minimum tick' (the smallest possible price change for a given traded security) as well as the tick's cash value. More...
double tick_size (void) const
 Returns the value of the smallest allowed price change (min_tick) as set via the tick() member. More...
double tick_value (void) const
 Returns the cash value of the min_tick as set by via the tick() member. More...
double ticks (int64_t multiplier) const
 Returns the price equivalent of a price tick multiplied by the given multiplier. More...
void limit_fill_proviso (double proviso)
 Sets the 'limit fill proviso'. This value determines by what margin market prices must exceed a limit price for a limit order to be assumed filled as part of a simulation. This value can help make simulations more realistic. More...
double limit_fill_proviso (void) const
 Returns the 'limit fill proviso'. More...
void slippage (double slip)
 Sets the 'per side' or 'per transaction' slippage (by default it is interpreted as 'per-side' slippage. This can be changed via the cost_allocation() member). A realistic slippage setting helps make simulations more realistic by accounting for non-optimal fills. Slippage is only counted for stop and market orders. Limit orders never have slippage regardless of the slippage setting. Slippage can be reset during strategy evaluations to account for changes in volatility. More...
double slippage (void) const
 Returns the slippage as set via the slippage(double slip) member. More...
void commission (double comm)
 Sets the per-side / per-unit commission. Commission is allocated on a per-unit basis (the default) or on a per-transaction basis depending on what was set via the cost_allocation() member. More...
double commission (void) const
 Returns the value set via the instrument::commission(double) member which is zero by default. More...
void cost_allocation (cost_alloc_type t)
 Sets the cost-allocation type that affects how commission and slippage are accounted for during simulations. Valid values are: More...
bool costs_allocated_per_unit (void) const
 Returns true if the cost allocation is set to 'per_unit' (the default). Returns false if 'per_transaction'. More...

Order Properties

std::string platform (void) const
 Returns the name of the excution platform / broker.
instrumentplatform (const std::string &platform_name)
 Sets the name of the excution platform / broker. Note that different instrument objects can trade via different brokers. More...
std::string broker (void) const
 Same functionality as platform() member.
instrumentbroker (const std::string &broker_name)
 Same functionality as platform(const std::string& platform_name) member. More...
std::string feed (void) const
 Returns the name of the data feed to which the instrument is connected. More...
std::string interval (void) const
 Returns the interval (bar) type and duration. Valid values look like '5MIN', '1SEC', '3TICK'. More...
instrumentdefine (const std::string &symbol, const std::string &exchange, const std::string &platform)
 Use this member to identify the instrument. This is required for live trading via the server. More...
instrumentsymbol (const std::string &symb)
 Sets the instrument's symbol. Use the define() member instead unless you have a special requirement. More...
const std::stringsymbol (void) const
 Returns the symbol. It would return 'ES' even if 'ES:DEC15' was passed to the define() member.
instrumentexpiry (const std::string &expiry)
 Sets the contract expiry. Use the define() member instead to pass a symbol-expiry combination like 'ES:DEC15', unless you have a special requirement. More...
const std::stringexpiry (void) const
 Returns the contract expiry like 'DEC15'. More...
const std::stringexpiry_yyyymm (void) const
 Returns the contract expiry in yyyymm format like: 201512. More...
std::string instrument::type (void) const
 Returns the instrument type like 'STK' or 'FUT'. More...
instrumentexchange (const std::string &exch)
 Sets the instrument's exchange. Use the define() member instead unless there is a special requirement. More...
const std::stringexchange (void) const
 Returns the instrument's exchange. More...
instrumentcurrency (const std::string &ccy)
 Sets the instrument's currency. More...
const std::stringcurrency (void) const
 Returns the instrument's currency. More...

Orders Creation and Transmission

The following member functions allow the creation and management of orders to buy and sell instruments on an exchange. Orders are sent off immediately unless the function name has an '_order' suffix, in which case the function returns an order_ref instance, refering to an unsent order, on which various properties can be modified before the order is sent by calling order_ref::send() member.

Note that some properties, such as the one set by the order::tag() member, can still be changed even after an order has been sent to the exchange. This is so because the order 'tag' is not relevant to the exchange or broker. All properties relevant to order execution must be set before the order is sent.

void default_time_in_force (order::time_in_force default_tif)
 Sets the default time-in-force, which determines order lifetime. More...
order_ref buy (quantity_t quantity)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to buy 'at market' a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref buy (quantity_t quantity, double fixed_fill_price)
order_ref buy_order (quantity_t quantity)
 Creates an order, without sending it, to buy 'at market' a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref sell (quantity_t quantity)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to sell 'at market' a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref sell (quantity_t quantity, double fixed_fill_price)
order_ref sell_order (quantity_t quantity)
 Creates, without sending, an order to sell 'at market' a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref buy_stop (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at a the given stop_price. More...
order_ref buy_stop_order (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price)
 Creates, without sending, an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price. More...
order_ref sell_stop (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to sell a given quantity of securities at a the given stop_price. More...
order_ref sell_stop_order (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price)
 Creates, without sending, an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price. More...
order_ref buy_stop_limit (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price, double price_limit)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with the given price_limit. More...
order_ref buy_stop_limit_order (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price, double price_limit)
 Creates, without sending, an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with given price_limit. More...
order_ref sell_stop_limit (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price, double price_limit)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with the given price_limit. More...
order_ref sell_stop_limit_order (quantity_t quantity, double stop_price, double limit_price)
 Creates, without sending, an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with given price_limit. More...
order_ref buy_limit (quantity_t quantity, double limit_price)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at a the given limit_price. More...
order_ref buy_limit_order (quantity_t quantity, double limit_price)
 Creates, without sending, an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref sell_limit (quantity_t quantity, double limit_price)
 Creates and immediately sends an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities. More...
order_ref sell_limit_order (quantity_t quantity, double limit_price)
 Creates, without sending, an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities. More...

Order Management

void cancel_all_orders (void)
 Cancels all 'active' orders owned by this instrument.
void cancel_order (identifier_t id)
 Cancels the order with t given order id. More...
bool order_exists (identifier_t id) const
 Returns true if an order with the given id exists. More...
void get_orders (std::vector< order_ref > &v, bool active_only=true) const
 Populates vector v with either all or only the 'active' orders depending on the given active_only flag. More...
bool has_active_orders (void) const
 Checks if this instrument object has 'active' orders. More...
void get_active_orders (std::vector< order_ref > &v, order::type _ot, order::action) const
 Populates vector v with all 'active' orders. More...
order_ref get_order (identifier_t id) const
 Returns an order with given id. More...
orderget_order_ptr (identifier_t id) const
 Returns a pointer to the order with given id. Note that it is unusual to access an order object directly. Normally orders should be handled via order_ref objects. More...
size_t order_count (void) const
 Returns the number of 'active' orders. More...
size_t order_count_inclusive () const
 Returns the number of orders, both 'active' and 'inactive'. Inactive orders may be marked for deletion. More...

Position and Profitability

double net_profit (void) const
 Returns the cumulative net profit/loss since strategy start. More...
POSITION::state position_state () const
 Returns the position state. Possible values are: More...
bool is_long (void) const
 Returns true if the position is 'long'. More...
bool is_short (void) const
 Returns true if the position is 'short'. More...
bool is_flat (void) const
 Returns true if the position is 'flat'. More...
quantity_t position_size (void) const
 Returns the size of the position. More...
position_t position (void) const
 Returns the current position. A negative number denotes a 'short' position. More...

Current Trade Metrics

size_t trade_leg_count (void) const
 Returns the number of 'legs' in the current trade. A 'leg' is a change in position such as an 'add on' or 'partial exit', including the initial trade entry leg and final trade exit leg. More...
double trade_PL (void) const
 Returns the profit/loss of the current trade. More...
size_t trade_bar_count (void) const
 Returns the number of bars since the trade's first transaction. Returns 0 if the current position is flat. More...
double trade_first_leg_entry_price (void) const
 Returns the price of the trade's first transaction (first leg). Returns 0 if current position is flat. More...
const date_timetrade_first_leg_entry_timestamp (void) const
 Returns the timestamp of the trade's first transaction. More...
quantity_t trade_max_position (void) const
 Returns the maximum position since the trade was initiated. A trade can have any number of 'add on' transactions and 'partial exits' and so the position size can vary over time. More...
double trade_most_favorable_price (void) const
 Returns the most favorable price since the beginning of the trade. The trade may likely have been at its most profitable at that price, but not necessarily as this also depends on when 'add-on' transactions occurred and when 'partial-profit' was taken. More...
double trade_point_change_since_entry (void) const


const transactionget_most_recent_transaction (void) const
int64_t transact_count (void)
 Returns the total number of transactions generated by the strategy so far. More...
int64_t transact_count (order::type order_type)
 Returns the total number of transactions, for this instrument and for the given order type, generated since the beginning of the strategy. More...
int64_t unit_count (void)
 Returns the total number of 'units' of this instrument traded since the beginning if the strategy. More...


const metricsget_metrics (void) const
 Returns an instance of class metrics containing all metrics that describe this instrument's performance during simulation. Only call this member once the strategy has been finalized. More...
virtual variant get_metric (perf_metric_type metric_type, trade_grouping grouping=all_trades) const
 Returns an individual metric value corresponding to the given metric_type and trade grouping. More...
virtual variant metric (const std::string &metric_name, trade_grouping grouping=all_trades) const
 Returns an individual metric value corresponding to the given metric_name and trade grouping. More...

Detailed Description

Class instrument represents a tradeable security such as a stock, option, futures contract, currency, etc. Class instrument combines data-access with functionality for placing orders and managing positions.

A single strategy can have any number of instrument members which allow it to trade pairs, baskets, and other instrument combinations. Data access is implemented by an internal in_stream member, which means that class instrument can be used in the same way as in_stream objects for receiving streaming data. Use instrument objects when you need to place orders relating to a particlar record stream, and use in_stream members to receive complementary data, such as company fundamentals, macroeconomic timeseries, or any other relevant data.

During strategy simulations each instrument object retains a history of all trades, which are used to product various reports once the strategy is finalized. The trade history can also be accessed as part of strategy evaluation.

Please refer to the TS-API User Guide and corresponding tutorials for information on how to best use class instrument.

Member Function Documentation

void tsa::instrument::allow_null_values ( bool  flag)

Determines whether any incoming stream data is allowed to have 'null' ('N/A') values. If set to true, it is up to the user to explicitly check each value before using it. To check for null, values must be accessed as variants, not via auto-series. Use the variant::defined() member do check if the value is not null.

flagIf true, allows incoming values to be 'null'.
bool tsa::instrument::allow_null_values ( void  ) const

Returns true if 'null' values are allowed in incoming stream data.

void tsa::instrument::as_random_walk ( duration  bar_duration = duration::days(1))

Tells the instrument to generate its own random walk sequence with intervals of bar_duration.

The internal random walk generator generates data for the following fields:

  • open
  • high
  • low
  • close
  • volume
  • bid
  • ask
  • bidsize
  • asksize.
    bar_durationThe duration between the timestamps of consecutive bars.
date_time tsa::instrument::begin ( void  )

Returns the timestamp of the first record in the datasource to which this object is connected.

Note that returning this value is only possible if the stream object is connected to a database table. A live data feed is not considered to have a beginning.

A date_time.
double tsa::instrument::big_point ( void  ) const

The value (in local currency) of a 1 point change in the instrument's price. This calculated as follows: big_point_value = (1.0 / min_tick) * tick_value;.

A double.
instrument & tsa::instrument::broker ( const std::string broker_name)

Same functionality as platform(const std::string& platform_name) member.

broker_nameName of the broker.
An instrument&. This return value allows multiple member calls to be chained.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy ( quantity_t  quantity)

Creates and immediately sends an order to buy 'at market' a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_limit ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  limit_price 

Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at a the given limit_price.

quantityThe quantity.
limit_priceThe limit price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_limit_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  limit_price 

Creates, without sending, an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
limit_priceThe limit price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_order ( quantity_t  quantity)

Creates an order, without sending it, to buy 'at market' a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_stop ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price 

Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at a the given stop_price.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_stop_limit ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price,
double  price_limit 

Creates and immediately sends an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with the given price_limit.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
price_limitThe price limit.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_stop_limit_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price,
double  price_limit 

Creates, without sending, an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with given price_limit.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
price_limitThe price limit.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::buy_stop_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price 

Creates, without sending, an order to buy a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
An order_ref.
void tsa::instrument::cancel_order ( identifier_t  id)

Cancels the order with t given order id.

idThe order identifier.
void tsa::instrument::commission ( double  comm)

Sets the per-side / per-unit commission. Commission is allocated on a per-unit basis (the default) or on a per-transaction basis depending on what was set via the cost_allocation() member.

commThe per-side commission.
double tsa::instrument::commission ( void  ) const

Returns the value set via the instrument::commission(double) member which is zero by default.

A double.
void tsa::instrument::connect ( const std::string stream_name,
const std::string database_name = "default" 

Sets the given stream as the instrument's data source.

This member function will seek to open the stream by reading from the data_base with the given data_base_name.

stream_nameName of the stream.
database_nameName of the database.
void tsa::instrument::cost_allocation ( cost_alloc_type  t)

Sets the cost-allocation type that affects how commission and slippage are accounted for during simulations. Valid values are:

bool tsa::instrument::costs_allocated_per_unit ( void  ) const

Returns true if the cost allocation is set to 'per_unit' (the default). Returns false if 'per_transaction'.

instrument & tsa::instrument::currency ( const std::string ccy)

Sets the instrument's currency.

ccyThe ccy.
An instrument&.
const std::string & tsa::instrument::currency ( void  ) const

Returns the instrument's currency.

A std::string&.
double tsa::instrument::current_drawdown ( void  ) const

Returns the size of the current equity drawdown for this instrument. If the strategy trades multiple instruments then each instrument will have its own drawdown measure.

A double.
const std::vector< trade_leg > & tsa::instrument::current_trade_legs ( void  ) const

Returns a container with the current trade's 'legs'.

An open trade has at least one 'leg' that opened the trade, and any number of additional legs that increase of reduce the trade's position until the trade is closed out.

A std::vector<trade_leg>&.
void tsa::instrument::default_time_in_force ( order::time_in_force  default_tif)

Sets the default time-in-force, which determines order lifetime.

default_tifthe time in force.
instrument & tsa::instrument::define ( const std::string symbol,
const std::string exchange,
const std::string platform 

Use this member to identify the instrument. This is required for live trading via the server.

symbolThe symbol or symbol expiry combination such as: 'IBM', 'ES:DEC15', ESZ15'.
exchangeThe exchange such as 'GLOBEX', 'NYSE'. If using Interactive Brokers 'SMART' exchange, then you must also set the currency like so: 'SMART:USD'.
platformThe platform such as 'IB' for Interactive Brokers.
An instrument&.
date_time tsa::instrument::end ( void  )

Returns the timestamp of the last record in the datasource to which this object is connected.

Note that returning this value is only possible if the stream object is connected to a database table. A live data feed is not considered to have an ending.

A date_time.
instrument & tsa::instrument::exchange ( const std::string exch)

Sets the instrument's exchange. Use the define() member instead unless there is a special requirement.

exchThe exchange.
An instrument&.
const std::string & tsa::instrument::exchange ( void  ) const

Returns the instrument's exchange.

A std::string&.
instrument & tsa::instrument::expiry ( const std::string expiry)

Sets the contract expiry. Use the define() member instead to pass a symbol-expiry combination like 'ES:DEC15', unless you have a special requirement.

expiryThe expiry.
An instrument&.
const std::string & tsa::instrument::expiry ( void  ) const

Returns the contract expiry like 'DEC15'.

A std::string&.
const std::string & tsa::instrument::expiry_yyyymm ( void  ) const

Returns the contract expiry in yyyymm format like: 201512.

A std::string&.
std::string tsa::instrument::feed ( void  ) const

Returns the name of the data feed to which the instrument is connected.

A std::string.
size_t tsa::instrument::field_count ( void  ) const

Returns the number of fields in records streamed from the connected datasource.

A size_t.
bool tsa::instrument::field_exists ( const std::string field_name) const

Returns true if a field with the given field_name exists in records coming from the data-source.

field_nameThe field/column name.
true if the field exists, else false.
size_t tsa::instrument::field_index ( const std::string field_name) const

Return the zero based position of the field that has the given field_name.

This member throws an exception if no corresponding field exists.
field_nameThe field name.
The position.
tsa::type_t tsa::instrument::field_type ( const std::string field_name) const

Returns the field type of the field with the given field_name.

field_nameName of the field.
A tsa::type_t.
void tsa::instrument::get_active_orders ( std::vector< order_ref > &  v,
order::type  _ot,
order::action  _at 
) const

Populates vector v with all 'active' orders.

[in,out]vThe std::vector<order_ref>& to process.
_otThe ot.
parameter3The third parameter.
const std::vector< transaction > & tsa::instrument::get_bar_transactions ( void  ) const

Returns a reference to a vectors containing the transactions that occured during the current bar.

The bar transactions.
variant tsa::instrument::get_metric ( perf_metric_type  metric_type,
trade_grouping  grouping = all_trades 
) const

Returns an individual metric value corresponding to the given metric_type and trade grouping.

metric_typeType of the metric.
groupingType of the aggregation.
The metric.

Implements tsa::metrics_source.

const metrics & tsa::instrument::get_metrics ( void  ) const

Returns an instance of class metrics containing all metrics that describe this instrument's performance during simulation. Only call this member once the strategy has been finalized.

The metrics.
order_ref tsa::instrument::get_order ( identifier_t  id) const

Returns an order with given id.

idThe identifier.
The corresponding order_ref.
order * tsa::instrument::get_order_ptr ( identifier_t  id) const

Returns a pointer to the order with given id. Note that it is unusual to access an order object directly. Normally orders should be handled via order_ref objects.

idThe identifier.
null if it fails, else the order pointer.
void tsa::instrument::get_orders ( std::vector< order_ref > &  v,
bool  active_only = true 
) const

Populates vector v with either all or only the 'active' orders depending on the given active_only flag.

[in,out]vThe std::vector<order_ref>.
bool tsa::instrument::has_active_orders ( void  ) const

Checks if this instrument object has 'active' orders.

true if it does.
std::string tsa::instrument::instrument::type ( void  ) const

Returns the instrument type like 'STK' or 'FUT'.

A std::string.
std::string tsa::instrument::interval ( void  ) const

Returns the interval (bar) type and duration. Valid values look like '5MIN', '1SEC', '3TICK'.

A std::string.
bool tsa::instrument::is_flat ( void  ) const

Returns true if the position is 'flat'.

bool tsa::instrument::is_live ( void  ) const

Strategies driven by 'live' data can be started on 'backfill' data. Once the strategy has worked through the backfill records, it calls strategy::on_live() from which point onward the strategy switches to 'live' data and instrument::is_live() returns true.

true if live, false if not.
bool tsa::instrument::is_long ( void  ) const

Returns true if the position is 'long'.

bool tsa::instrument::is_platform_driven ( void  ) const

Returns true if the strategy is attached to a platform_proxy or net::socket_base derived object.

If the strategy is platform driven, all orders and data requests are forwarded to the attached object.

true if platform driven, false if not.
bool tsa::instrument::is_short ( void  ) const

Returns true if the position is 'short'.

void tsa::instrument::limit_fill_proviso ( double  proviso)

Sets the 'limit fill proviso'. This value determines by what margin market prices must exceed a limit price for a limit order to be assumed filled as part of a simulation. This value can help make simulations more realistic.

The execution of 'limit orders' on an exchange is not guaranteed. In some cases a 'limit order' may be filled when traded prices 'hit' the limit price. However, in practice, it is likely that the traded price needs to move one tick past the limit price before a 'limit order' can be assumed to have been filled!

By default, this 'proviso' value is zero. With a setting of zero, prices must only move 'beyond' the limit price, no matter by how small an amount ( at leat 10e-9) for the limit order to be considered filled.

If the 'limit_fill_proviso' is, for example, set to 1.0, then, in the case of a limit sell order, traded prices must move below the limit price by more than 1.0.

Note that it is possible to reset the limit-fill-proviso while a strategy simulation is underway.

Note that the size of a single tick is not constant when dealing with price series that have been dividend-adjusted, split-adjusted, or roll-over adjusted. So adjusting the limit-fill- proviso throughout the simulation may be required for realistic simulation.

provisoThe limit-fill-proviso.
double tsa::instrument::limit_fill_proviso ( void  ) const

Returns the 'limit fill proviso'.

A double.
variant tsa::instrument::metric ( const std::string metric_name,
trade_grouping  grouping = all_trades 
) const

Returns an individual metric value corresponding to the given metric_name and trade grouping.

metric_nameName of the metric.
groupingThe grouping.
A variant.

Implements tsa::metrics_source.

void tsa::instrument::name ( const std::string name)

Sets the instrument name.

The instrument name is intended to help identify instruments on reports. An instrument name must be unique to a strategy. Naming an instrument is not mandatory as each instrument is otherwise automatically assigned a default name, usually based on the name of the stream to which the instrument is connected.

This instrument name is not used when sending order messages.
nameThe instrument name.
const std::string & tsa::instrument::name ( void  ) const

Returns the instrument name.

A std::string&.
void tsa::instrument::negative_prices_ok ( bool  neg_prices_ok)

Sets a flag which if 'true' allows negative prices in fields 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close'.

By default prices at or below 0.0 are not allowed during simulations as some indicators and calculations may not be able to handle negative numbers or changes from positive to negative (such as indicators calculating percentage changes). If the flag is left as false, an exception will be thrown in case of violation.

Sub-zero prices can arise when creating 'continuous futures contracts' from individual futures contracts.
bool tsa::instrument::negative_prices_ok ( void  ) const

Returns true if negative prices are tolerated during strategy evaluation.

Returns the current value of the property.
double tsa::instrument::net_profit ( void  ) const

Returns the cumulative net profit/loss since strategy start.

A double.
const series_core & tsa::instrument::operator() ( size_t  field_pos) const

From records streamed from the data source this member returns the series corresponding to the given field_pos.

field_posThe column/field position.
Reference to the series. Use operator[] to access individual historical values.
const series_core & tsa::instrument::operator() ( const std::string field_name) const

From records streamed from the data source this member returns the series corresponding to the given field_name.

field_nameName of the column/field.
Reference to the series. Use operator[] to access individual value.
size_t tsa::instrument::order_count ( void  ) const

Returns the number of 'active' orders.

A size_t.
size_t tsa::instrument::order_count_inclusive ( void  ) const

Returns the number of orders, both 'active' and 'inactive'. Inactive orders may be marked for deletion.

A size_t.
bool tsa::instrument::order_exists ( identifier_t  id) const

Returns true if an order with the given id exists.

idThe identifier.
true if the order exists.
instrument & tsa::instrument::platform ( const std::string platform_name)

Sets the name of the excution platform / broker. Note that different instrument objects can trade via different brokers.

platform_nameThe name.
An instrument&. This return value allows multiple member calls to be chained.
position_t tsa::instrument::position ( void  ) const

Returns the current position. A negative number denotes a 'short' position.

A position_t.
quantity_t tsa::instrument::position_size ( void  ) const

Returns the size of the position.

A quantity_t.
POSITION::state tsa::instrument::position_state ( ) const

Returns the position state. Possible values are:

  • is_long
  • is_short
  • is_flat
    A POSITION::state.
date_time tsa::instrument::record_timestamp ( void  ) const

Returns the timestamp of the current record.

Note that this timestamp normally corresponds to the timestamp of the current strategy- interval, as returned by the strategy::timestamp() member. In case the underlying data source has no record for the current strategy interval then the value returned by this member will not match the value returned by strategy::timestamp(). This may happen for example when working with multiple data streams of different timescales.

A date_time.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell ( quantity_t  quantity)

Creates and immediately sends an order to sell 'at market' a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_limit ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  limit_price 

Creates and immediately sends an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
limit_priceThe limit price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_limit_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  limit_price 

Creates, without sending, an order to sell at given limit_price a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
limit_priceThe limit price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_order ( quantity_t  quantity)

Creates, without sending, an order to sell 'at market' a given quantity of securities.

quantityThe quantity.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_stop ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price 

Creates and immediately sends an order to sell a given quantity of securities at a the given stop_price.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_stop_limit ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price,
double  price_limit 

Creates and immediately sends an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with the given price_limit.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
price_limitThe price limit.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_stop_limit_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price,
double  limit_price 

Creates, without sending, an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price with given price_limit.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
limit_priceThe limit price.
An order_ref.
order_ref tsa::instrument::sell_stop_order ( quantity_t  quantity,
double  stop_price 

Creates, without sending, an order to sell a given quantity of securities at the given stop_price.

quantityThe quantity.
stop_priceThe stop price.
An order_ref.
void tsa::instrument::set_next_bar ( const date_time _ts,
double  o,
double  h,
double  l,
double  c,
double  v 

Manually sets the next bar timestamp and ohlcv prices. Useful for writing test code.

parameter1The first parameter.
oopen price.
hhigh price.
llow price.
cclose price.
void tsa::instrument::slippage ( double  slip)

Sets the 'per side' or 'per transaction' slippage (by default it is interpreted as 'per-side' slippage. This can be changed via the cost_allocation() member). A realistic slippage setting helps make simulations more realistic by accounting for non-optimal fills. Slippage is only counted for stop and market orders. Limit orders never have slippage regardless of the slippage setting. Slippage can be reset during strategy evaluations to account for changes in volatility.

slipThe value.
double tsa::instrument::slippage ( void  ) const

Returns the slippage as set via the slippage(double slip) member.

A double.
std::string tsa::instrument::stream_name ( void  ) const

Returns the name of the data stream to which the instrument is connected.

A std::string.
instrument & tsa::instrument::symbol ( const std::string symb)

Sets the instrument's symbol. Use the define() member instead unless you have a special requirement.

symbThe symbol.
void tsa::instrument::tick ( double  min_tick,
double  tick_value,
bool  auto_round = true 

Sets the value of the 'minimum tick' (the smallest possible price change for a given traded security) as well as the tick's cash value.

The default min_tick value is 0.01 points and a corresponding tick_value of 0.01 (local currency). This works fine for most traded stocks, but does not work for futures, options and other products.

The auto_round argument determines whether the system will automatically round stop and limit order prices passed to order functions (e.g instrument::buy()). Note that when working with split adjusted stock price series, the historical minimum tick is no longer accurate and you may need to disable automatic rounding.

min_tickThe minimum tick.
tick_valueThe tick value in the currency in which the instrument is traded.
auto_roundtrue to automatically round.
double tsa::instrument::tick_size ( void  ) const

Returns the value of the smallest allowed price change (min_tick) as set via the tick() member.

A double.
double tsa::instrument::tick_value ( void  ) const

Returns the cash value of the min_tick as set by via the tick() member.

By default the tick value is set to 0.01.

A double.
double tsa::instrument::ticks ( int64_t  multiplier) const

Returns the price equivalent of a price tick multiplied by the given multiplier.

The tick value is either the default 0.01 or was previously set via instrument::tick(). This function is useful for adding a certain number of ticks to a price, to be used as stop or limit price in a trading scenario.

multiplierThe tick multiplier.
A double.
size_t tsa::instrument::trade_bar_count ( void  ) const

Returns the number of bars since the trade's first transaction. Returns 0 if the current position is flat.

A size_t.
double tsa::instrument::trade_first_leg_entry_price ( void  ) const

Returns the price of the trade's first transaction (first leg). Returns 0 if current position is flat.

A double.
const date_time & tsa::instrument::trade_first_leg_entry_timestamp ( void  ) const

Returns the timestamp of the trade's first transaction.

A date_time&.
size_t tsa::instrument::trade_leg_count ( void  ) const

Returns the number of 'legs' in the current trade. A 'leg' is a change in position such as an 'add on' or 'partial exit', including the initial trade entry leg and final trade exit leg.

A size_t.
quantity_t tsa::instrument::trade_max_position ( void  ) const

Returns the maximum position since the trade was initiated. A trade can have any number of 'add on' transactions and 'partial exits' and so the position size can vary over time.

A double.
double tsa::instrument::trade_most_favorable_price ( void  ) const

Returns the most favorable price since the beginning of the trade. The trade may likely have been at its most profitable at that price, but not necessarily as this also depends on when 'add-on' transactions occurred and when 'partial-profit' was taken.

A double.
double tsa::instrument::trade_PL ( void  ) const

Returns the profit/loss of the current trade.

A double.
int64_t tsa::instrument::transact_count ( void  )

Returns the total number of transactions generated by the strategy so far.

An int64_t.
int64_t tsa::instrument::transact_count ( order::type  order_type)

Returns the total number of transactions, for this instrument and for the given order type, generated since the beginning of the strategy.

order_typeThe type.
An int64_t.
int64_t tsa::instrument::unit_count ( void  )

Returns the total number of 'units' of this instrument traded since the beginning if the strategy.

A double.