Trading System API  3.0
Library for Simulating and Deploying Trading and Investment Strategies
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 StrategyGroup of classes for defining trading and investment strategies
 DSL Series FunctionsManaged functions to be used in trading logic as part of strategy::on_prepare()
 Operators (DSL)
 Ehlers Financial Indicators (DSL)
 Financial Indicators (DSL)
 Random Functions (DSL)
 Averages / Smoothing (DSL)
 Math (DSL)
 Statistical Functions (DSL)
 Math / Statistical Functions (DSL)
 Data Functions (DSL)
 Collection Functions (DSL)
 Math / Statistical Functions (DSL)
 Logic Functions (DSL)
 Casting and Conversion Functions (DSL)
 Data Functions (DSL)
 Diagnostics (DSL)
 Casting and Conversion Functions (DSL)
 Debugging Functions (DSL)
 Logic Functions (DSL)
 String Functions (DSL)
 Date / Time functions (DSL)
 Strategy And Instrument Properties (DSL)
 Non-DSL Series FunctionsUnmanaged functions to be used in trading logic
 Financial Indicators
 Random Functions
 Math / Statistical Functions
 Data Functions
 Swing Analysis
 DatabaseGroup of classes for managing a local fast::database file
 ChartingGroup of classes for creating time series charts
 SupportGroup of support classes: string, variant, date_time, date, duration etc
 ExtensibilityGroup of classes designed to support external data access and other extensions
 FunctorsFunction objects